Monday, August 30, 2010

The buzz from Champs Camp

Lynn Rutherford's tweets (@LynnRutherford) from the USFSA's Champs Camp are making me dream of crisp fall weather and way early mornings watching skating on the other side of world via IceNetwork. It's the post-Olympic season and anything's possible!

Alissa Czisny has spanking new programs and she reports new coach Yuka Sato has changed her jump technique. I thought Brian Boitano and Linda Leaver had been doing that, but it's the dawn of a new season! Anything can happen! This may be the year Alissa knocks out those superb spins with jumps!

Speaking of Sato students, Jeremy Abbott showed off his new-fangled long program to the powers that be at US Figure Skating and included a fancy quad!

The rest of the Detroit crew in attendance represent the ice dancing discipline. Samuelson and Bates are working are becoming speed demons in Canton, MI while their training pals Davis and White are skating to, wait for it.... Amelie! The Amelie soundtrack is exceptional skating music in my humble opinion. Plus, their coaches, have charted Amelie territory in Belbin and Agosto's post-Torino season and it's one of my fave Belbin and Agosto programs! I can't wait to see this one with the speed and athleticism of Davis and White!

It's going to be a great year for skating and this is only the American side of it! The info out of Canada, Japan, and Russia will start flowing soon too.

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