Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Twitter vs. Streaming To Catch Worlds

I rocked my rockers and choctaws this morning. That was a great way to start the day.

At work, I typically have Twitter up as I follow other online education professionals and some of my clients. It gives me some great ideas throughout the day seeing what others are doing with learning management systems, K-12 and higher education challenges and innovations.

I also follow several skaters and skating fans. It was most fun during the Olympics, like having a group of die-hard fans conversing about the events as they happened in my living room, however they were tweeting on my laptop. Not as many people were tweeting today while the men's short program took place in Torino during workday hours in the States.

I did check in on Universal Sports for the live feed and saw Ryan Bradley, Samuel Contesti, Jeremy Abbott, and Brian Joubert when I didn't have a meeting or call scheduled. I felt a little guilty streaming, but remembered how slow the network got last Friday in the thick of March Madness and left my guilt behind.

Jeremy Abbott was great and is in medal position going into the free skate. The old, dominating Brian Joubert showed up for the short program and is also in medal position. Ryan Bradley has had better skates and there was some debate on Twitter about the US men being able to earn 3 spots to Worlds next year with his placement. I lean towards Jeremy and Adam Rippon sealing the maximum spots for 2011.

I didn't see it, but I saw tweets about Nobunari Oda's skate. It must have been a splatfest, and he didn't make the cut to the free skate? Can anyone explain? Searching for Daisuke Takahashi's short program next, glad he's in first! I've always been a fan of his skating.


sk8rmom.p said...

Oda unfortunately singled all of his planned jumps and combinations. It was really a bummer. Ah sounds like his 23rd birthday is during this competition too. How sad. :(

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the info about Oda, I heard he didn't even realize he didn't make the cut for the free for awhile...