Saturday, March 20, 2010

Not enough Thin Ice

After taking advantage of the warm weather and late sunset for some spring yard work, I checked into ABC's Thin Ice. The show pairs skaters who have never skated together to well, skate together. It has a judging panel made up of Kristi Yamaguchi, Dick Button and Katarina Witt.

I was sad it was only an hour of skating! I thought it was going to be dorky show, possibly worse than the pitiful Skating with Celebrities of a few years ago and that's why it was only slotted for two shows. Instead, I was enthralled watching the programs. The judges commentary was great, especially from Mr. Button!

Loved Stephane Lambiel and Shizuka Arakawa skating together. Good use of showing off their singles skills in a fun program and not attempting to get into dance positions or lifts. Stephane brought in a quad! Little hand touch but that was cool.

I wonder if this is successful in the ratings if this become a short series in the fall? While I love my skating on webcasts and I know I get more coverage of skaters online, I miss the cheesefests of professional skating on TV. All that's on now are the icky Disson skating shows that pair an old band performing with some skaters. Thin Ice was all about fun, upbeat and current music paired with great skaters. The show actually showed skating without cutting away to a band or audience. Super sweet!

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