Monday, May 17, 2010


"Really?" This is the phrase that keeps going through my mind as I'm taking my Junior Moves In The Field test this weekend.

Really - I'm 31 and the last time I took a test was in my teens.

Really - I just got a promotion in the midst of prepping for a record summer of online courses with my clients and I'm working 8 - 8 plus taking work home.

Really - I'm scared out of my mind!

I'll still go through with it. I'm not sure how I'll fair, but I think my coach wouldn't let register for the test session if I wasn't ready. I've just not done a complete run through of the test as my practice sessions can get busy. I'm nervous on being by myself on the ice in front of three judges and going through each element. I so wish I could just skate a synchro routine with several other skaters!

Ah well, it's about the journey anyway. I'm glad I've worked toward the goal of passing this test before the new moves are put into place this September.


Vlad said...

Very interesting.Thanks!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Vlad